Mirco Graenert Consulting Inc.

LED & LCD Manufacturing Score Boards, also called Wallboards or Matrix displays are intended to interface with your machines, mainframe computer or data base via ethernet or wireless transmission.

When you buy from us you you benefit as we are well versed in manufacturing and can assist with your application.

Three Colour Smart LED display boards are ideal for manufacturing, warehousing.  Program from your PC.  Get your message across at the speed of light!

Ask to borrow our demo display today!  

Count your production rate, stock, events, inventory etc.  Display data and bitmaps, scroll, flash etc. on a fully dynamic sign without being constrained to size fields.

Prioritize by using the build in software driven lean manufacturing tools indicate urgencies in three colours,  Call us for a no obligation quote  905 715 7575

Inform, Instruct and monitor with our Smart LED Information Boards.  Offering your company the unprecedented ability to display, monitor and capture in real time what is happening in your manufacturing environment.


Easy user interface – easy to program, menu driven interface.

Dynamic Sign layout – High flexibility allowing a wide array of options and elements.

Multiple Color Options – Assign importance levels to your info via multiple colours of ultrabright LED’s readable from a distance.

Interface from the Internet. – Monitor in real time what is happening on the shop floor from your boardroom, or on any terminal with an internet connection.  Push or pull information exchange.  Control multiple signs from any location with webaccess.


Low Start-up cost - no additional software is required.

Dynamic fields of displayable information including manufacturing production, worker productivity statistics, call wait times – virtually anything.

No need for extra terminal to run system, simply use internet explorer from your PC.

Use internet protocols and web services to communicate and gather information to populate the sign with dynamic, real time data via your server or host computer.

Use the signs in noisy environments to convey emergency messages.

Call Us - ask for sales - we are located near Toronto in Ontario and sell Canada Wide!


These state of the art and North American manufactured LED displays are intended for use in manufacturing, warehousing, distribution centers, bottling companies, advertising etc.  Excellent for noisy environments!  Hook up to your server, interface with Excel, or use the simple interface with any computer running MS internet explorer to make changes manually.  With the sign purchase there is no further need for software, it all runs directly via internet explorer from your existing PC. 

When everyone in your company is on the same page, it will save money and become leaner.  The return on investment is surprisingly short!


Using our IP interface display information to your existing LCD monitors

Multi - Colour LED signs for manufacturing. 

Display all your data and urgencie with colour and get everyone on the same page.  Assign counters and thresh-holds.

LED signs (above and left) can be a big advantage over LCD signs.  LED signs are much brighter, can be seen from farther away.  Flashing colours easily catches attention to important events.
LCD signs are generally better for local viewing, which is why we sell the IP-display interface to readily display data on LCD monitors.  Of course the data can be also interfaced with the

LED signs in cases where both displays are desired for local and distance viewing.
Examples of LCD data displays.  Driven with our
IP interface.  Saving you lots of time in programming required to create the display blocks if you had to custom make a display interface.
3D CAD design & drafting
Precision Machining
Metal stamping
Custom Build Machinery
LED matrix displays
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